ATIS 1000025.2013(R2018)

User to Network Interface (UNI) Standard for Signaling and Control Security Requirements for Evolving VoP/Multimedia Networks

The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions , 05/06/2013

Publisher: ATIS

File Format: PDF


This standard specifies Voice over Packet and Multimedia signaling and control plane security requirements for evolving networks. This standard is part of a suite of signaling and control security standards as shown in Figure 1. This standard provides security requirements for VoP and Multimedia signaling and control services that cross the User to Network Interfaces (UNI).

ATIS 1000025.2013(R2018) History

ATIS 1000025.2013(R2018)

ATIS 1000025.2013(R2018)

$30.00 $60.00

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