ATIS 1000669.1999(S2020)

Signaling System Number 7 (SS7) - Intermediate Network Selection (INS)

The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions , 12/01/1999

Publisher: ATIS

File Format: PDF


This standard allows an application process in the origination network to specify a single intermediate signalling network for non-circuit-associated signalling messages. This network capability also includes functionality that 5 be used to route non-circuit-associated messages in a number portability environment. Specifically, in a number portability environment, this capability allows the selected intermediate network to use the number portability routing information derived at a special translation node (e.g., 10-digit translation node in the origination network) to route messages towards the destination network. The INS 5 be invoked by a variety of services and network capabilities. The end user can interact with an end-user service that 5 invoke the INS capability. The specific end-user service that invokes INS is not within the scope of this capability description. Therefore, the INS capability is not visible to the end user, but allows an end-user service to take place. Formerly known as T1.669-1999(R2005).

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