• AWS B5.9:2006

AWS B5.9:2006

Specification for the Qualification of Welding Supervisors

American Welding Society , 01/01/2006

Publisher: AWS

File Format: PDF



This standard establishes requirements for the qualification of Welding Supervisors. It describes how personnel are qualified, the principles of conduct, and the practice by which qualification may be maintained.

This specification does not address all safety issues associated with welding. It is the responsibility of the employer to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of any regulatory limitations prior to welding. The requirements of ANSI Z49.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, plus the cautionary notes contained in the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) supplied by the material supplier should be part of each employer's safety program. Additional safety information is available in the Safety and Health Fact Sheets published by the American Welding Society (AWS).

As used in this specification, the word shall denotes a requirement; the word should denotes a guideline or recommendation; and the word may denotes a choice. As used in this specification the word welding includes brazing. As used in this specification the word welders includes welding operators, brazers, and brazing operators.

In the qualification process, the candidate must have general knowledge of the theory and practice of welding and of the responsibilities and duties of a Welding Supervisor. During the examination process, the candidate shall be evaluated on welding-related qualifications and experience and on knowledge of the requirements of general applications of codes and specifications. The employer shall maintain all qualification records.

This standard is intended to supplement the requirements of an employer, or other agency and shall not be construed as preemption of an employer's responsibility for all work performed. Hence, it is the responsibility of the employer to determine a supervisor's qualifications other than those stated in 1.4 above, and confirm the capability of performing duties assigned by the employer.

The standard is not intended to supersede or contradict local, state, or national regulations.

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