• AWS C2.18

AWS C2.18

Guide for the Protection of Steel with Thermal Sprayed Coatings of Aluminum and Zinc and Their Alloys and Composites

American Welding Society , 01/01/1993

Publisher: AWS

File Format: PDF


This guide covers the application of thermal spray coatings (TSC) for the protection of steel with aluminum, zinc and their alloys, mixtures, and composites. This scope of this guide includes the major elements of an industrial process instruction covering job description, safety, consumable materials, surface-preparation and thermal spray equipment, quality control (QC) equipment, TSC operator training and qualification, a step-by step surface preparation and thermal spraying application method with quality control checkpoints, maintenance and repair of thermal spray coatings, and a job control record. Nominal TSC feedstock spray rates and coverage information for a common planning base are presented for purchasers and contractors. A TSC selection guide for various service environments and the operator qualification requirements are presented in appendices. This guide is modelled on the thermal spray method of MILSTD- 2138A(SH), Metal Sprayed Coating Systems for Corrosion Protection Aboard Naval Ships.'

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