• AWS C2.23M/C2.23:2018

AWS C2.23M/C2.23:2018

Specification for the Application of Thermal Spray Coatings (Metallizing) of Aluminum, Zinc, and Their Alloys and Composites for the Corrosion Protection of Steel

American Welding Society , 01/01/2018

Publisher: AWS

File Format: PDF


AWS C2.23M/C2.23 PDF

Included are requirements for surface preparation, coating application, repair of coating defects, measurement of coating thickness, adhesion testing of the applied coating, and application of sealers and topcoats over the thermally sprayed metal coating. Not included in this standard are requirements for design and fabrication, thermal spray equipment qualification, coating selection, and operator and inspector certification. For successful thermal spray application, the steel structure and components should be designed and fabricated in accordance with NACE SP0178.1 Additional consideration should be given to weldments and components, or structures with thermal cut edges, whose hardness may preclude adequate profile depth.

(1) American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 1819 L Street NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC, 20036.

AWS C2.23M/C2.23:2018 History

AWS C2.23M/C2.23:2018

AWS C2.23M/C2.23:2018

$44.00 $88.00

AWS C2.23M/C2.23

AWS C2.23M/C2.23

$38.00 $77.00

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