• AWS WHB-1.9


Welding Handbook Volume 1 - Welding Science and Technology

American Welding Society , 01/01/2001

Publisher: AWS

File Format: PDF




Welding Science and Technology is Volume 1 of the ninth edition of the American Welding Society’s Welding Handbook series. This volume presents an overview of the most recent research and engineering developments in the field of welding science and technology. Volumes 2 and 3 of the ninth edition address welding processes, whereas Volumes 4 and 5 address materials and applications. Together, the five volumes of the ninth edition substantially expand upon and update the information presented in the four volumes of the Welding Handbook, eighth edition.

This volume features seventeen chapters covering the fundamentals of welding, cutting, joining, and allied processes. Four chapters discuss metallurgy, the physics of welding and cutting, heat flow in welding, and residual stress and distortion. Other important chapters discuss the engineering considerations of weld design, weldment tooling and positioning, automation, process monitoring and control (new in this volume), methods for the evaluation and testing of welds, weld quality, weld inspection and nondestructive examination, and the economics of welding. Well-researched chapters on codes and other standards, the qualification and certification of welding techniques and personnel, the accurate communication of welding information, and safe practices are included. Two useful appendices present a glossary of standard welding terms and a guide to metric practice for the welding industry. The information in this volume is applicable to all categories of welding, from manual welding to the most sophisticated automated and robotic systems.

The peer-reviewed chapters in this volume are enhanced by the pertinent consensus standards that are referenced throughout. More than 700 drawings, schematics, and photographs illustrate the text. Approximately 170 tables provide categorized or comparative information. Explanatory information and sources are identified and referenced in footnotes. Additional sources are suggested in the Supplementary Reading List at the end of each chapter. For easy access to specific topics, a table of contents for each chapter is presented on the cover page, and a subject index with cross-references appears at the end of the volume. A major subject index of this volume and previous editions of the Welding Handbook is included to direct the reader to the volume and chapter of interest.


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