• AWWA ACE54385


Retrofit of Existing Water Treatment Plants to Incorporate UV Facilities

American Water Works Association , 06/01/2001

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


Clayton County Water Authority (CCWA) owns and operates three surface water production (WPP) plants (J.W. Smith, W.J. Hooper and Freeman Rd.) that supply drinking water to Clayton County. CH2M HILL is currently under contract to evaluate, design and install advanced disinfection facilities at all three water plants. The Plants' capacities are 10 (Freeman Road), 12 (J.W. Smith) and 20 mgd (W.J. Hooper). The Freeman Road and Smith Plants receive water from the Smith and Shoal Creek Reservoirs. The Hooper Plant receives water from the Hooper and Blalock Reservoirs. Raw water quality is typical for reservoirs in the southeastern U.S. except for the W.J. Hooper WPP which is subject to wide variations in raw water turbidities. The primary objective of this project is to install advanced disinfection at each WPP to provide additional pathogen protection and to comply with anticipated drinking water quality regulations. Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection was recommended due to its lower capital and operation costs and its effectiveness in meeting the primary objective of providing additional pathogen protection. Implementation of UV disinfection will be based on the following five-phased approach: evaluate and screen alternatives for advanced disinfection; development of schematic design and regulatory coordination; preparation of bidding documents and procurement of UV equipment; detailed design of UV facilities based on the selected equipment; and, construction and validation of full scale facilities. Includes table.

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