• AWWA ACE54455


Creating the Beast--New Horizons for Shift Workers: How Schedules, Assignments, and Policies Created Your Staff Personality and Culture

American Water Works Association , 06/01/2001

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


As a supervisor of various types of work groups over the past twenty-five years, the author has observed that each group has a distinct personality which he originally attributed to the differences between 24-7 shift workers and the day workers. The shift workers generally worked alone and the day workers worked in large and small groups. There was a significant difference between the day and shift workers ability to communicate and accept change in the work place. The author accepted this as a personality difference between the shift and day workers without giving a thought to how this difference was created, and how company policy may have contributed to the difference. The author investigated alternative shift schedules and scheduling for over twenty years due to a belief that the shifts in place were poorly designed and could be improved. In 1997, a study of different shift schedules was undertaken in an effort to improve schedules for water treatment staff. The study involved individual discussions with management and operators of a number of utilities. Preliminary conclusions were that we actually create the type of employee we have by the shift schedules, job assignments, and policies governing the shift work. On the extremes, we can create an open engaged, positive employee, or we can create an isolated, unchallenged, negative employee. Subsequent reading and discussion with experts have shown that not only does the culture you create impact existing staff, it attracts potential new employees of similar disposition. This paper discusses specific aspects of shift work and work assignments under your control and the impact on developing your employee culture. Public utilities are being asked to do more with less and these efforts show up as multi-skills pay, increased computerization, team structures, and other cross training efforts. Organizational culture will be one of the key variables that determine how successful your utility will be in meeting the competitive demands of modern society. Utility management needs to start paying attention to the cultures they are creating in order to successfully meet the requirements necessary to be competitive in today's world. Includes 4 references.

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