The US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Final Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List contains freshwater algae and their toxins. Current drinking water treatment techniques may be inadequate in controlling pathogenic algae because the current Surface Water Treatment Rule and Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule focus on fecal coliform removal not algae removal. The goal of this study was to give an overview of algae genus and their toxins. The topics covered include: evaluating the risk surface source waters; analyzing and monitoring algal toxins; evaluating treatment processes; and, developing public awareness. This paper includes information from the literature, the WQTC Special Topic Seminar, "Blue Green Algae: Now in a Neighborhood Near You", and two meetings sponsored by USEPA, "Creating a Cyanotoxin Target List for the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule" and "Government Policies on Cyanobacteria in Drinking Water." Includes 9 references, table, figures.
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