• AWWA ACE58216


AWWA Golf Course Reclaimed Water Market Analysis

American Water Works Association , 06/15/2003

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


The AWWA Water Reuse Committee determined it would be helpful to reclaimed water suppliers to assess the needs and concerns of their large customers represented by golf courses throughout the USA. This paper describes the process and results of this study from its initiation in June of 1999 to February 2003, as supported in part by the funding of the AWWA Water Resource Division. A survey, directed at golf course superintendents, was formulated to solicit information on the practices and perceptions of these irrigation experts about their experience with reclaimed water. It focused on six areas to collect information about the location and type of golf courses, water quality issues, irrigation system issues, management issues, provider issues, and perceptions about reclaimed water. The survey developed during this study had been posted on the Internet at www.gcrwa.com and will be available to receive data until December 2004. Includes figures, appendix.

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