• AWWA ACE58251


Succession Planning - The Second Challenge of the 21st Century

American Water Works Association , 06/15/2003

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


The last decade of the 20th century was a period of staffing reductions as utilities pursued a variety of competitiveness programs. Surveys of the wastewater industry showed that these utilities reduced unit staffing levels by 30% from 1990 to 1999 (source: AMSA surveys of 1990, 1993, 1996 and 1999). Anecdotal evidence indicates that similar reductions were achieved by water utilities during that same time period. The events of 9/11 caused the industry to expend a substantial effort on security issues. However, there is a coming worker demographic wave that will substantially change the nature of the utility workforce. Management's challenge will be to manage the departure of the Baby Boomers and manage the training of their replacements who will need a different set of skills to succeed in the higher tech utility of the future. An American Water Works Association Research Foundation (AWWARF) study (Succession Planning For A Vital Workforce In The Information Age), for which the author is the principal analyst, has recently been awarded to study this issue as it affects the water and wastewater utility industry. This study is also co-funded by the Water Environment Research Foundation.

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