• AWWA ACE59860


Impact of MIEX Pretreatment on Ozonation and Bromate Formation: A Pilot Plant Evaluation

American Water Works Association , 06/17/2004

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


A magnetized ion exchange resin (MIEX®) has been shown to be highly effective in removing dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from waters and in removing selected inorganic anions of concern such as bromide. As part of an AwwaRF tailored collaborative project, a 10-gpm MIEX pilot plant was installed and operated for five weeks at the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA). In August 2003, the SNWA implemented 750-MGD of ozonation between two treatment facilities to achieve Cryptosporidium inactivation. It was expected that MIEX pretreatment could yield a benefit at SNWA by reducing DOC and bromide concentrations. Removal of these constituents would likely reduce bromate formation, ozone demand, ozone decay rates, and disinfection byproduct formation. Includes table, figures.

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