• AWWA ACE62951


Pre-treatment with Magnetic Ion Exchange Resin to Reduce TOC, DBP Precursors, and Residuals Production

American Water Works Association , 06/01/2006

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


This slide presentation outlines research on pretreatment with magnetic ion exchange resin to reduce total organic carbon (TOC), disinfection byproduct (DBP) precursors, and residuals production. Goals of new treatment strategies for Canyon Road included: improve TOC and DBP precursor removal; improve turbidity applied to filters; flexibility to respond to challenging conditions; and, reduce or limit operational complexity. Turbidity implications during May/June snowmelt runoff are outlined and include: MIEX alone; contact clarifier (coarse media, upflow filter) and dissolved air flotation (DAF); plate settler without MIEX; and, plate settler with MIEX. Turbidity and filter headloss (36 min. floc., plate settler, and filter skid) in September 2005 is outlined and included: without MIEX - turbidity - with and without non-ionic poly, and filter headloss; and, with MIEX - turbidity - with and without non-ionic poly, and filter headloss. Organic contaminants were evaluated for: color; DBP precursor removal; and, molecular weight scan. Research on residuals included: impact of lower alum dose with MIEX; and, brine from MIEX. Outline summary includes: alum with versus without MIEX indicated settled turbidity lower with MIEX, and without MIEX could not reduce 5-day DBP SDS <64/48, but could with MIEX + alum; goals were achieved with MIEX at 4 to 6 times lower alum dose than without MIEX; lower alum dose means less challenge to clarifiers and filters, and less residuals handling; and, MIEX adds new residuals stream (brine waste). Other observations included: 36 minutes flocculation needed without MIEX (24 with MIEX); alum + LT22s worked with and without MIEX when no MIEX, non-ionic also needed, but with MIEX, non-ionic produced unacceptably high filter headloss (at doses tested). Includes figures.

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