• AWWA ACE68631


Energy and Water in California and Beyond

American Water Works Association , 11/01/2008

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


This powerpoint presentation provides an overview of California's efforts to connect water and energy. It mentions a report titled "Energy Down the Drain", by the Pacific Institute and the Natural Resources Defense Council that analyzed the water-energy connection. It is a foundation-funded project on water and energy with long-term goals for water and energy use. Five focus cities are targeted for per capita drinking water use reduction potential at least 75% over 50 yrs. Results were further evaluated by the California Energy Commission. Facts about Lake Arrowhead are presented, along with a study of comparative energy usage of three supply sources: Lake Arrowhead, groundwater, and state water project. The report identified landscape irrigation, which accounts for roughly 30% of water use, as a good target opportunity for water/energy efficiency. A Pacific Institute publication on water to air modeling is presented, along with a publication by the Santa Clara Valley Water District, "From Watts to Water", that tested the Pacific Institute's model including: analyzed system operations; analyzed water conservation programs; calculated kWh saved; and, calculated CO2 emissions saved. Efficiency opportunities are listed. Information on the national perspective is presented, including: Water/Wastewater Plant Energy Use; impact of water efficiency; residential water heating; statistics on residential energy use; and, water loss in the U.S. The River Network Project, consisting of 650 Partner organizations at regional, state, and national level, is presented as well. Includes figures.

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