• AWWA ACE68666


NRW - A Business Approach

American Water Works Association , 11/01/2008

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


This powerpoint presentation presents the following topics: AWWA/IWA Water Audit and water balance approach; real losses; apparent losses and unbilled authorized consumption; current approach assumes all losses are non-revenue water (NRW); revenue and non-revenue water; four scenarios that consider the same example water balance, i.e. losses at 25.5% of system input volume (SIN); compounding errors; and, cost benefit analyses. Presentation conclusions indicate that: the water audit and water balance approach is an extremely useful tool for any utility to manage its existing losses and identify capital expenditure requirements for future loss reduction; all loss components have an implicit impact upon the rates design (and vice versa); the repeatability, reproducibility, accuracy, and stability of the source data must be fully understood; the effect that errors can have upon the results and recommendations must be fully understood; utilities must know the economic levels of each loss component (even if the current levels are included within the rates design); these levels should be re-evaluated on an annual basis to determine if economic changes can justify investment to reduce any or all components; and, loss reduction results in increased revenue for additional investment, future planned capital works, or delaying future rates increases. Includes tables, figures.

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