• AWWA ACE68879


Facts Prove Value of Seattle's Cedar Design-Build-Operate Approach

American Water Works Association , 11/01/2008

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of the Seattle area regional water system. The primary treated water quality improvement objectives included the following: Disinfection - 3-log Cryptosporidium, 4-log Giardia, 5-log Virus; and, Taste/Odor - Reduce Flavor Profile Analysis number to 3 or less. Seattle's Design-Build-Operate (DBO) project philosophy is presented, along with a DBO service agreement with CH2M HILL signed on April 30, 2001 to design, secure all permits, and construct the 180-mgd Cedar Water Treatment Facilities in 30 months; and, to operate and maintain the facilities for a 15-year period, with two optional 5-year renewal periods. A unique ozone/UV treatment process was developed to achieve primary water quality improvement objectives, along with an integrated supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system that was developed by a joint engineering/operations team. The Cedar WTPs were successfully placed into service on schedule in the fall of 2004. Topics covered include: key O&M agreement provisions; continuous water quality monitoring and control relative to contract requirements was provided by SCADA; 2007 compliance with disinfection; finished water taste/odor dramatically improved; O&M agreement cost considerations; liquidated damages included to drive meeting quantity and quality requirements; incentive payments for superior performance; productivity adjustments incentivize efficient operation; productivity adjustments for power cost continue to be a challenge; chemical productivity cost adjustment has improved; environmental monitoring and reporting to King County is another contract requirement; long-term maintenance provisions are a key aspect of the service agreement; DBO approach clearly resulted in economical O&M cost; and, the Cedar DBO project in retrospect. Includes tables, figures.

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