• AWWA INF53992


Cave Creek Road Facilities Boosts Phoenix's Water Distribution

American Water Works Association , 06/01/2001

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


The Cave Creek Road Facilities is a $34 million dollar project to supply Phoenix,Arizona with potable and reclaimed water. It is an undertaking with multipleoperational constraints including initially low demand, multiple pump stationsoperating in series without the benefit of storage, the need to maintain constantsystem pressure at variable flows, the requirement to reverse the direction offlow in the system in the future, and the need to integrate the operation ofmultiple existing groundwater wells. From the fast-tracked, three-month designthrough the six-month commissioning period, this project presented manychallenges which required a concerted effort by the City of Phoenix, Brown andCaldwell, and multiple subconsultants and contractors. The overall projectincluded: four potable water booster pump stations; one reclaimed water boosterpump station; seven miles of 30- to 54-inch diameter potable waterlines; fourteenmiles of 30- to 36-inch diameter reclaimed waterlines; and, three remotechlorination stations. The project is the most complex large scaleinfrastructure project ever constructed by the City of Phoenix andrequired a combined effort by the City of Phoenix and Brown and Caldwell todevelop the operating parameters, integrate the existing and proposed systems,and coordinate the multiple construction activities. Ultimately, thissophisticated system provides a simple operation for a very complex water deliverysystem. Since completion of the booster pump stations in January 2000, the CaveCreek Corridor has been receiving surface water without a single shutdown orcustomer complaint. Includes figures.

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