• AWWA MTC57601


Coliban Water, Aqua 2000 Project: Membranes as Part of Multi-Barrier Water Treatment to Meet Stringent Water Quality Standards

American Water Works Association , 03/05/2003

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


Aqua 2000 supplies world class water to 110,000 people of central Victoria, Australia. The construction of the three water treatment plants, distribution systems and storages represents one of the largest infrastructure projects ever undertaken in the region. The water treatment plants and distribution systems were designed to achieve the performance measures set by the water authority, Coliban Water, for all possible raw water conditions. The leading edge technology now in place in the region employs a three-phase treatment process that includes microfiltration, ozonation and biologically activated carbon to deliver water that far exceeds World Health Organization standards. Memcor's proven Continuous Microfiltration (CMF) was chosen for the two smaller plants with the new CMF-S immersed membrane technology selected for the 126ML/d (33.3 USMGD) Bendigo water treatment plant. This plant is the largest immersed membrane plant in the world for the potable water treatment. Microfiltration guarantees removal of Cryptosporidium and Giardia contamination from unprotected rural catchments. The Aqua 2000 project is a 25-year Build Own Operate contract operated by Vivendi Water Australia. The three water treatment plants and distribution systems have been in commercial operation since June 2002, supplying the region with a safe and secure water supply. This paper outlines the Aqua 2000 project, the process selection and water quality achieved as well as describing some of the key design aspects of the CMF-S System for the Bendigo WTP. Includes 3 references, tables, figures.

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