• AWWA MTC57677


Standardizing Membrane Water Costs

American Water Works Association , 03/05/2003

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


The US Bureau of Reclamation, I. Moch & Associates, Inc. and Boulder Research Enterprises, Inc., sponsored by the American Membrane Technology Association, have developed a CD ROM for estimating membrane water treatment costs. This disk, designed for use by end-users, consultants, managers and engineers, permits the evaluation and comparison of water treatment processes employing reverse osmosis/nanofiltration, microfiltration/ultrafiltration, electrodialysis and ion exchange. The program is supplier neutral. Using flexible indices and adjustable inputs, the CD includes costs equations for estimating different pre- and post-treatment unit operations such as media filtration; coagulation and flocculation with PAC, alum, ferric chloride ferrous sulfate or polyelectrolyte; disinfection by chlorine, monocloramine, ozone and UV; lime/soda softening; electrical, including energy recovery, and chemical consumptions and various intake and outfall infrastructures. A number of water compositions are suggested for those who do not have actual ion concentrations. Labor and supervision, membrane replacements, amortization rates and tanks, piping and instrumentation are also included, thus, permitting calculation of plant capital requirements and operating and maintenance costs for all commonly employed aqueous separation processes. A number of these CD ROMs have been released and reports back are that the program gives reasonable, consistent estimations for plants costs. Specific project numbers, based on direct site conditions, do require competitive tenders by the buyer. This paper compares, on a common basis, various seawater cases involving changes in such items as plant capacity, feed water salinity, system recovery, feed water source and temperature as an assist in the selection of the least costly project option in providing potable water to deprived areas. Includes 4 references, tables, figures.

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