• AWWA MTC64607


Efficient Biodestruction of Contaminated Electrodialysis Reversal Concentrate

American Water Works Association , 03/01/2007

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


This slide presentation outlines a study on efficient biodestruction of contaminated electrodialysis reversal concentrate at the Magna Water District in the northwest corner of the Salt Lake Valley, Utah. Background information includes: perchlorate contamination discovered at Barton Well Field; Well Water Treatment Alternatives Evaluation - electrodialysis reversal (EDR); Coagulation/Pressure Filtration Pilot Studies; Arsenic Treatment Alternatives Evaluation; and, EDR selected for the combined treatment of perchlorate, arsenic, and total dissolved solids (TDS). Topics covered include: biological residuals treatment; Biodestruction of Blended Residual Oxidants - BIOBROx; and, Bench-Scale Testing. The presentation also outlines an AwwaRF PCR - wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) Fixed-Film Study with the objectives of evaluating the use of a fixed-film reactor for improving perchlorate degradation kinetics at a WWTP. Fixed-film reactor placed upstream of the oxidation ditches might provide/allow: steady microbial metabolism; anaerobic microenvironments; and, maximized availability of substrate. A third study outlined in this presentation dealt with Combined Arsenic/Perchlorate Removal and Residuals Treatment by Electrodialysis Reversal + BIOBROx. BIOBROx Pilot Test Objectives included: demonstrate efficacy BIOBROx approach; develop design criteria for blend ratio and EBCT; demonstrate sustained perchlorate removal; evaluate robustness of the process during system upsets (system shut-downs, WW feed failures, diurnal variations in WW); and, identify optimal biogrowth support medium. Experimental design included: Phase 1 - Biological Acclimation; Phase 2 - % Blend and EBCT Optimization; Phase 3 - Sustained Removal; Phase 4 - Robustness Characterization; and, test with four different biogrowth support media: 3 GACs of different sizes and 1 plastic medium. Conclusions drawn include: efficient, sustained removal of oxidants in EDR concentrate can be achieved using BIOBROx process; complete degradation; short contact times; wastewater is only amendment; BIOBROx is robust with respect to process upsets; WW shut-off; Temperature; Diurnal variation; System shut-downs; and, Optimal biogrowth support medium was GAC with an effective size ~ 1.4-2.0 mm. Includes figures.

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