• AWWA MTC69735


Treatment of Reservoir Water Using Dissolved Air Flotation and Immersed Membrane: From Pilot Scale to 60 MLD WTP in Macao

American Water Works Association , 11/01/2009

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


As part of Macao MSR Water Treatment Works (WTW) extension, a 9 months pilot study was performed in order to study and validate the operating conditions of the future water treatment line, which combines dissolved air flotation (Degremont AquaDAF®) and ultrafiltration (Zenon membranes). The ultrafiltration (UF) experiments were carried out with low energy immersed polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) ultrafiltration membrane process that consists of outside-inside filtration. The nine months pilot study validated the combination AquaDAF® - Zenon for drinking water production in design condition defined for the new WTP. No serious damage of membrane was revealed by membrane autopsy even if the experience gain on Zenon membrane ageing is not sufficient throughout the 9 months pilot study to conclude on membrane replacement frequency. Includes tables, figures.

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