The Big Apple Takes a Bite Out of Water Reuse

American Water Works Association , 01/01/2000

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


New York City is currently dealing with several water resource management issues. The City has developed a comprehensive program to provide adequate water supply to its 8 million customers well into the 21st centrury. The City is also conducting studies dealing with the feasibility of water reuse at the 310 million gallons per day (MGD) Newtown Creek Water Pollution Control Plant, water reuse and its relationship to water rates, the potential of industrial reuse for the paper industry in New York City, potential loading reduction for permit discharges in Long Island Sound and the upstate New York watershed, and water reuse for combined sewer overflow tank flushing. This paper presents some of the findings and approaches taken to these studies. Includes 3 references, tables.

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