Initiation of Conjuctive Use - Well Utilization Project

American Water Works Association , 02/01/2008

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of the Diablo Water District, located in eastern Contra Costa County, California. Project background includes: demands to triple by buildout; concern about total dependence on imported surface water supply treated at plant co-owned by District; and, district identified need for local groundwater to supplement imported supply. Key project goals were to: improve supply reliability; reduce dependence on imported surface water; maintain high quality blended water supply for customers; and, help control supply costs. Current status of the project includes: feasibility Study completed 2002; blending facility and first well on-line in Fall 2006; second well site acquired and preliminary design underway; and, EIR underway for second well, and future third well. The paper presents technical implementation issues that include the blending strategy and well siting and design considerations. Project benefits and costs, project costs and savings, and future phases are all presented. Includes tables, figures.

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