• AWWA WQTC52951


Water Quality Differences Between the Ohio River and the Storage Reservoir of the City of Newport Drinking Water Plant

American Water Works Association , 01/01/2000

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


The City of Newport pumps water from the Ohio River into a storage reservoir.Until promulgation of the Stage 1 Disinfection Byproducts Rule (DBPR), the Cityof Newport considered their reservoir to be their source water because it is thereservoir water that they coagulate. Under the Stage 1 DBPR, the source water forthe Newport Plant is, by definition, the Ohio River because potassiumpermanganate is added to the water at the intake for zebra mussel control.Newport is faced with the problem of determining the difference betweentheir source Ohio River water and the water they coagulate from the storagereservoir, and determining the implications for total organic carbon removal underStage 1 DBPR. The goal of this one-year study was to identify a monitoringstrategy for the Newport Plant situation. The objectives included determining thedifferences between Ohio River water and storage reservoir water qualities anddeveloping a monitoring program. Includes 9 references, figures.

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