• AWWA WQTC64187


Aurora's Water Purification Process: Selecting the Best Treatment Approach

American Water Works Association , 11/01/2006

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


This slide presentation outlines the selection process for the best treatment approach for Aurora, Colorado, Water's Prairie Waters Project. Presentation topics include: Description of Prairie Waters Project; Decision Process - Selecting the Best Treatment Approach; and, Confirmation of Treatment Approach, including Pilot Test and Taste Test Results. Summary includes: the Best Purification Process for Aurora Combines Natural and Engineered Systems; Cost-effective and practical approach that satisfies Aurora's values; Multiple barriers add reliability and protect public health; Produces water that is indistinguishable from current supply; Micro-pollutants are effectively removed without high pressure membranes; and, Environmentally sustainable. Includes figures.

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