• AWWA WQTC69481


Bang for the Buck: Optimizing Coagulation and GAC for TOC Removal

American Water Works Association , 11/01/2008

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


This powerpoint presentation evaluates the economic impacts of enhanced coagulation and pH depression on granular activated carbon (GAC) service life. Central Arizona Project (CAP) water quality assessment and operational assessment are presented, along with the coagulation and GAC adsorption model and bench-scale experiments for model validation, validated model applications and sensitivity analysis involving TOC and pH, and coagulant dose. Study recommendations include the following: implement pH depression and/or enhanced coagulation to provide optimization opportunity, particularly during high raw water TOC conditions; utilize the integrated coagulation/GAC model to develop operational strategies for cost optimization - effect of water quality 30, and effects of GAC media and other chemical costs. Includes tables, figures.

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