• AWWA WQTC71528


Lead Occurrence and the Impact of LSL Replacement in a Well Buffered Groundwater

American Water Works Association , 11/01/2009

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


While the approach is not new, the application of the analysis and interpretation of lead profile data contribute much needed information on the occurrence and potential control of lead in well-buffered groundwaters, a water quality type for which limited but somewhat unexpected results have been observed in other studies. For a system in which 20 to 40% of the residential and non-residential premise plumbing samples exceeded the lead action level, this study was critical for documenting the extent and magnitude of lead occurrence, and assessing the feasibility of eliminating lead from the system to control lead measured at the tap. Water from a groundwater system serving the city of Guelph, located in southwest Ontario, Canada, is the focus of this study. Alternatives to chemical treatment to control lead at the tap are being considered by the City, including lead service line (LSL) replacement. To assess the feasibility of LSL replacement for corrosion control, the city initiated a Lead Profiling Study that examined the impacts of partial and full LSL replacement on reducing lead. Results from this effort are presented in this paper. Includes 3 references, tables, figures.

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