• AWWA WSC61387


A Tale of Two Cities Part I: Lincoln, Nebraska

American Water Works Association , 04/10/2005

Publisher: AWWA

File Format: PDF


This paper presents a case study in implementing security improvements that are performance-based and specifically adapted to the needs of a particular city, namely Lincoln, Nebraska. The case study includes discussion of those factors that all utilities face, from the type of field conditions, to the staff, and the political and governmental conditions this public agency had to consider. This paper demonstrates how to transition from a vulnerability assessment, to a planning process, to a procurement process for selecting vendors, and finally to implementation of a security program with changes in technology, training, procedures, testing, and staff changes to make the program work. The Lincoln Water System (LWS) had quickly developed recognition for the need to change to become more secure, but was not prepared to develop its program alone. The utility made a conscious decision to turn over the responsibility to EMA to lead the vulnerability assessment, followed by planning, construction, and implementation of security measures from start to finish. At every step, Lincoln challenged each feature to verify need and application to their system, but they were not as familiar with the techniques and capabilities of technology and organizational improvements that would be needed to achieve the desired level of performance. EMA and Lincoln recognized the need to take initial steps with a pilot project to evaluate the best equipment, systems, procedures, protocols, and organizational improvements available to protect the water system from threats. Results from the pilot could then be applied to design a fullscale set of improvements for all LWS facilities. Includes figure.

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