• BS 00/614038 DC

BS 00/614038 DC

ISO/DIS 10303-204 Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 204: Application protocol: Mechanical design using boundary representation

BSI Group , 10/10/2000

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:ISO 10303-1:1994ISO 10303-11:1994ISO 10303-21:1994ISO 10303-31:1994ISO 10303-41:1994 ISO 10303-42:1994ISO 10303-43:1994ISO 10303-46:1994ISO 10303-304ISO 10303-511:1999ISO 10303-512:1999ISO 10303-513:2000ISO 10303-514:2000ISO 10303-517:1999ISO 10303-518ISO/IEC 8824-1:1995

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