Cross References:EN 912:2000EN 1058:1995EN 1075:1999EN 10142:2000EN 10147:2000EN 1380:1999EN 13271:2001ISO 2081:1986prEN 14358:2002EN 1995-1-1:xxxx, Eurocode 5. Design of timber structures. Part 1:1. General rules. General rules and rules for buildingsEN 10083-1:1991EN 10083-2:1991EN 10002-1:2001EN 10088-2:1995EN 10025:1993EN 10113-1:1993EN 10149-1:1996EN 10143:1993EN 10051:1992EN 10029:1991EN 10259:1997EN 26891:1991EN ISO 1461:1999
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