• BS 02/211311 DC

BS 02/211311 DC

ISO 17687. Transport information and control systems (TICS). General fleet management and commercial freight operations. Data dictionary and message sets for electronic identification and monitoring of hazardous materials/dangerous goods transportation. Version 0.6

BSI Group , 11/28/2002

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References: prENV ISO 17262*prENV ISO 17263*ENV 12315-1 *ENV ISO 14814*EN 13044*EN 14816*ISO 3166*ISO 3779:1983*ISO 3780:1983*ISO 6346:1997 *ISO 8824-1:1998*ISO 8824-2:1998*ISO 8824-3:1998*ISO 8824-4:1998*ISO 8825-1:1995*ISO 8825-2:1995*ISO 8859-1:1987*ISO 8859-2:1987 *ISO 8859-3:1987*ISO 8859-4:1987*ISO 8859-5:1987*ISO 8859-6:1987*ISO 8859-7:1987*ISO 8859-8:1987*ISO 8859-9:1987*ISO 8859-10:1987 *ISO 10374:1991*ISO 14813-3*ITU-T Rec.S.1:1993 *ISO 10646:1993*ISO/WD 17261*IEEE P1512.3:2001 *NFPA 704:2001*SAE J2313:2000*SAE J2353:2000 *SAE J2354:2000*SAE J2369:2000*SAE J2540*

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