• BS 04/19987805 DC

BS 04/19987805 DC

BS ISO 14505-1. Ergonomics of the thermal environment. Evaluation of thermal environment in vehicles. Part 1. Principles and methods for assessment of thermal stress

BSI Group , 06/04/2004

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:ISO 7243:1989ISO 7726:1998ISO EN 7730:1994 ISO 7933:1989ISO 8996:1990ISO 9886:2004 ISO 9920:1995ISO 12894:2001ISO 13731:2001 ISO 13732-1:2001ISO TS 13732-2:2002ISO 13732-3:2002ISO/TR 11079:1993ISO DIS 14505-2:2004

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