• BS 04/30091601 DC

BS 04/30091601 DC

ISO 13628-11. Petroleum and natural gas industries. Design and operation of subsea production systems. Part 11. Flexible pipe systems for subsea and marine applications

BSI Group , 03/08/2004

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:ANSI B16.5API RP 2A-WSDAPI RP 2RDAPI RP 17BAPI Specification 6AAPI Specification 16AAPI Specification 17DASTM A370ASTM E739 ASTM E468ASTM D413ASTM D2143ASTM D2924BS 903DnV-RP B401DNV-OS-F101DNV-OS-C101DNV-OS-C401FPS 2000NACE MR 01-75NACE TM 02-84ISO 13628-2ISO 13628-10 API Recommended Practice 17CASTM D638ASTM D695NACE TM 01-77

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