• BS 04/30112930 DC

BS 04/30112930 DC

IEC 61987-1 ED.1. Industrial process measurement and control. Data structures and elements in process equipment catalogues. Part 1. Measuring equipment with analogue and digital output

BSI Group , 04/29/2004

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References: ISO 704:1987*ISO 8879:1996*ISO 8879/A1:1998 *ISO 10241:1992*ISO 10303-1:1993*ISO 10303-212 *ISO 10303-221*ISO 10303-231*IEC 60050(351):1998*IEC 60068*IEC 60529:1989*IEC 60654*IEC 60751:1983*IEC 60770-1:1998*IEC 61000*IEC 61069-5*IEC 61082*IEC 61298*IEC 61326-1:2000*IEC 61360*IEC 61508*IEC 82045-1:2001*

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