• BS 05/30042957 DC

BS 05/30042957 DC

EN 15047. Transportable gas cylinders. Specification for the design and construction of refillable seamless steel cylinders for portable portable fire extinguishers and bottles for breathing apparatus of water capacities from 0,5 litre up to 15 litres

BSI Group , 01/04/2005

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:EN 629-1EN 629-2EN 10002-1EN 10003-1EN 10204:1991EN 10028-1EN ISO 11114-1:1997ISO 11114-1:1997EN ISO 13341prEN ISO 13769:2004prEN ISO 15245-1prEN ISO 15245-2EURONORM 6-5597/23/ECASTM E1221-88 ASTM E399-90

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