• BS 05/30127634 DC

BS 05/30127634 DC

prEN 13566-7. Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground nonpressure drainage and sewerage networks. Part 7. Lining with spirally wound unplasticized poly(vinyle chloride) (PVC-U) pipes

BSI Group , 01/13/2005

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References: EN 1401-1*EN 1979*EN 13566-1:2002*EN 13566-4:2002*prEN 14364:2002*EN ISO 306*EN ISO 527-1*EN ISO 527-2*EN ISO 9967*EN ISO 9969 *ISO 37*ISO 179-2*ISO/DIS 7619*DIN 16970 *

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