• BS 05/30135337 DC

BS 05/30135337 DC

EN 15266. Stainless steel pliable corrugated tubing systems in buildings for gas with an operating pressure up to 0,5 bar

BSI Group , 06/22/2005

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References: EN 437:2003*prEN 1775:2004*EN ISO 7369:2004 *EN 10028-7:2000*EN 10088-1:1995*EN 10088-3:1995*EN 10226-1:1996*EN 10242:1994*EN ISO 9001:2000*EN ISO 10380:2003*EN ISO 11925-2:2002 *EN 12164:1998*EN 12165:1998*EN 13501-1:2002 *EN 13823:2002*EN ISO 6509:1995*ISO 6957:1988 *ISO 9227:1990*89/106/EEC*97/23/EC*

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