• BS 05/30136183 DC

BS 05/30136183 DC

IEC 60404-8-7. Magnetic materials. Part 8-7. Specification of individual materials. Cold-rolled grain-oriented electrical steel sheet and strip delivered in the fully-processed state

BSI Group , 07/12/2005

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:IEC 60050-121:1998IEC 60050-221:1990IEC 60404-1:2000IEC 60404-1-1:2004IEC 60404-2:1996 IEC 60404-3:2002IEC 60404-9:1987IEC 60404-11:1999IEC 60404-13:1995ISO 404:1992ISO 7799:1985ISO 10474:1991

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