• BS 05/30139250 DC

BS 05/30139250 DC

EN 14879-4. Organic coating systems and linings for protection of industrial apparatus and plants against corrosion caused by aggressive media. Part 4. Linings on metallic components

BSI Group , 09/21/2005

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:EN 59:1977EN 228EN 590:2000EN 977:1997prEN 13122EN 12814prEN 14728EN 24624:1992EN ISO 291EN ISO 1043-1EN ISO 2039-1:1996EN ISO 2178:1995EN ISO 2360:1995EN ISO 8503-1EN ISO 8503-2EN ISO 12944-4IEC 60093IEC 60167ISO 813ISO 868ISO 1629ISO 1817ISO 4433-1ISO 4433-2ISO 4433-3ISO 4433-4

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