• BS 07/30088601 DC

BS 07/30088601 DC

BS EN 599-1. Durability of wood and wood-based products. Efficacy of preventive wood preservatives as determined by biological tests. Part 1. Specification according to use class

BSI Group , 09/17/2007

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:EN 20-1EN 20-2EN 46-1EN 46-2EN 47EN 49-1EN 49-2EN 73EN 84 EN 113EN 117EN 118:2005EN 152EN 252EN 275EN 330EN 335-1EN 351-1 EN 599-2ENV 807ENV 839prEN 1001-2:2005EN ISO/IEC 17025ISO 9000EN 335-2 EN 350-1EN 350-2EN 460EN ISO/IEC 17025

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