• BS 07/30141879 DC

BS 07/30141879 DC

ISO 24394. Welding in aerospace. Qualification test for welders and welding operators. Welding of metallic components

BSI Group , 04/12/2007

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References: ASTM E 1742*EN 462-1*EN 462-2*EN 462-3*EN 462-4*EN 1435:1997*EN 4179:2000*ISO 2553*ISO 4063*ISO 5173*ISO 6520-1*ISO 6947*ISO 8596*ISO 9606-1*ISO 9606-2:2004 *ISO 9606-3*ISO 9606-4*ISO 9606-5*ISO 14731*ISO 17636*ISO 23277*ISO 23278*ISO/TR 25901*NAS 410*EN 4179:2005*

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