• BS 07/30152076 DC

BS 07/30152076 DC

BS ISO 25137-2. Plastics. Sulfone plastics (SP) moulding and extrusion materials. Part 2. Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties

BSI Group , 01/24/2007

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References: ISO 62:1999*ISO 75-2:2004*ISO 178:2001*ISO 179-1:2000*ISO 179-2:1997*ISO 180:2000*ISO 291:2005*ISO 294-1:1996*ISO 306*ISO 527-1:1993*ISO 527-2:1993*ISO 527-4:1997*ISO 899-1:2003*ISO 1133:2005*ISO 1183-1:2004*ISO 2818:1994*ISO 3167:2002*ISO 4589:1996*ISO 8256:2004*ISO 10350-1:1998*ISO 11357-2:1999*ISO 15512:1999*ISO 25137-1*IEC 60093:1980*IEC 60112:2003*IEC 60243-1:1998*IEC 60250:1969*IEC 60296:2003*IEC 60695-11-10:2001*

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