• BS 07/30169154 DC

BS 07/30169154 DC

BS ISO 28706-2. Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion. Part 2. Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by boiling acids, neutral liquids and/or their vapours

BSI Group , 07/17/2007

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:EN ISO 3696ISO 48ISO 649-1ISO 718 ISO 2723ISO 2724ISO 3585ISO 4788 ISO 4799ISO 13804ISO 3696:1987ISO 1629

BS 07/30169154 DC History

BS 07/30169154 DC

BS 07/30169154 DC

$83.00 $167.00

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BS 1344-8:1984

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BS 1344-10:1975

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