• BS 08/30188833 DC

BS 08/30188833 DC

BS EN 50525-3-11. Electric cables. Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V. Part 3-11. Cables with special fire performance. Flexible cables with halogen-free thermoplastic insulation, and low emission of smoke

BSI Group , 11/04/2008

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:EN 50363-7:2005EN 50363-8:2005EN 50395:2005EN 50396:2005EN 50525-1EN 60228 IEC 60228EN 60332-1-2IEC 60332-1-2EN 60811-1-2:1995EN 60811-1-4:1995EN 61034-2EN 60719IEC 60719:1992EN 60811-1-1:1995IEC 60811-1-1:1993CENELEC HD 21.14CENELEC HD 516

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