• BS 09/30166476 DC

BS 09/30166476 DC

BS ISO 10893-7. Non-destructive testing of steel tubes. Part 7. Digital radiographic testing of the weld seam of welded steel tubes for the detection of imperfections

BSI Group , 02/24/2009

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:ISO 5576ISO 5579ISO 7004ISO 9712 ISO 11484ISO 11699-1ISO 14096-1ISO 14096-2ISO 17636ISO 19232-1ISO 19232-2 ISO 19232-3ISO 19232-5ASTM E 2597-07ASTM E 2445-05ASTM E 2446-05EN 13068-1EN 13068-2EN 13068-3EN 14784-1EN 14784-2

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