BS 10754-1:2018

Information technology. Systems trustworthiness-Governance and management specification

BSI Group , 02/28/2018

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS 10754-1:2018 provides a specification for systems, software and services trustworthiness,that is intended to be a widely applicable approach that can be customized for any organizationand software.The requirements of this British Standard define the overall principles for effective trustworthiness,and include technical, physical, cultural and behavioural measures alongside effective leadershipand governance. It identifies the necessary tools, techniques and processes and addresses safety,reliability, availability, resilience and security issues.This British Standard does not specify the detailed processes or actions that an organization followsin order to achieve these outcomes.This British Standard includes a comprehensive Trustworthiness System Framework (TSFr),which provides a domain- and implementation-agnostic way to reference the large existing body ofknowledge, including functional safety, information security, and systems and software engineeringand acts as a collation of good practice for software trustworthiness.When used as a standalone document for organizations with no current approach to softwaretrustworthiness, this specification facilitates the deployment of the TSFr for software in its manyguises from embedded equipment through consumer devices to industrial control systems.Where organizations already address system trustworthiness through one or more of the fivefacets of trustworthiness in isolation (safety, reliability, availability, resilience and security), thisspecification provides a companion and complement to other relevant standards. This BritishStandard provides a benchmark of concepts, principles, expected techniques and managementpractices to achieve individual facets. This can be used to identify any gaps and enhancements forlocal implementation.This British Standard does not specify how any technique should be applied to a specific application.This British Standard is applicable to any organization aiming to adopt systemtrustworthiness practices.Cross References:BS EN ISO/IEC 27001BS ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010BS EN ISO/IEC 27002BS ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015BS ISO/IEC 11179-5ITU-T Recommendation X.1520 BS ISO 31000BS ISO/IEC 19770-1BS EN ISO/IEC 27000BS EN ISO/IEC 17024ITU-T Recommendation X.1521ITU-T Recommendation X.1525BIP 0008-1BS EN 61508 (all parts)BS ISO/IEC 20000-1BS EN ISO/IEC 17043BS EN ISO 9001BS ISO/IEC 15408-1BS ISO/IEC 19770-2BS ISO/IEC 27034-1BS ISO/IEC 15504 (all parts)ITU-T Recommendation X.1544 BS EN ISO/IEC 17025ITU-T Recommendation X.1524BS ISO/IEC 33001:2015 BS EN ISO 22301:2014BS EN ISO 9000:2015BS EN ISO/IEC 27043:2016

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