BS 10845-4:2021

Construction procurement - Part 4: Standard conditions for the calling for expressions of interest

BSI Group , 07/20/2021

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS 10845-4:2021 PDF

This document sets out standard conditions for the calling for expressions of interest which

a) bind the employer and respondent to behave in a particular manner,

b) establish what is required for a respondent to submit a compliant submission,

c) make known to respondents the evaluation criteria, and

d) establish the manner in which the employer conducts the process of calling for expressions of interest.

This document is intended for use in procurements relating to goods, services and construction works and certain disposals other than by auction.

Cross References:

ISO/DIS 10845-1

ISO/DIS 10845-2

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

BS 10845-4:2021 History

BS 10845-4:2021

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BS 09/30196155 DC

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