• BS 1098-2:1977

BS 1098-2:1977

Specification for jig bushes-Metric units

BSI Group , 12/31/1976

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Dimensions and tolerances for headed and headless press fit bushes, fixed and slip type renewable bushes and headed and headless liner bushes for use with drills and reamers. Design, surface texture, hardness, concentricity of bore with outside diameter and roundness of bore.Cross References:BS 122:Part 2BS 328:Part 1BS 427:Part 1 BS 1098:Part 1BS 1134:Part 1BS 3643:Part 2 BS 3730BS 4500:Part 1Replaces the requirements for metric units in BS 1098:1967, which has been re-numbered BS 1098-1:1967.

BS 1098-2:1977 History

BS 1098-2:1977

BS 1098-2:1977

$95.00 $190.50

BS 1098-1:1967

BS 1098-1:1967

$95.00 $190.50

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