BS 1133-8:2011+A1:2016

Packaging code-Guidance on wooden boxes, cases and crates

BSI Group , 11/30/2016

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


BS 1133-8:2011+A1:2016 provides guidance for manufacturers, users and specifiers ofwooden boxes, cases and crates for industrial, defence and other commercialapplications.This document contains guidance on wood species, sheet materials andfastenings likely to be encountered by UK manufacturers or export packers andgives guidance on the design of:
  • industrial, defence and commercial cases and crates;
  • ranges of smaller sawn wood boxes for general use;
  • ranges of plywood and wood-based sheet boxes and cases;
  • plywood cases of metal edge construction;
  • wirebound boxes, crates and cases;
  • warehouse storage containers.
This British Standard also gives brief guidance on sustainability and recycling.Annex A contains health and safety information.Annex B contains tables of sizes for skids sills and rails.NOTE 1 Knowledge of engineering principles is needed to produce a designspecification from the information given in certain tables, particularly in relation tolarge cases and crates.NOTE 2 Much of the information in this British Standard might also be of value inother areas where wood is used in packaging and distribution, e.g. agriculturalboxes and pallets.Cross References:BS EN 12246BS EN 13183-2BS EN 13246BS EN 13427BS EN 22872BS EN 22874BS EN ISO 2234BS EN ISO 4180BS EN ISO 15867BS ISO 6780BS 373BS 1133-7.6BS 1133-10.1BS 1133-10.2BS 1133-15BS 1133-18BS 1133-19BS 1133-22BS 4894BS 4978BS 7195BS EN 300BS EN 312BS EN 314-2:1993BS EN 335-2BS EN 335-3BS EN 409BS EN 622-2BS EN 622-5BS EN 635-5BS EN 636BS EN 1313-1BS EN 1995-1-1 BS EN 10230-1BS EN 13183-3BS EN 13246BS EN 13382BS EN 13394BS EN 13427BS EN ISO 12777BS ISO 1496BS ISO 15629 FAO ISPM 15:2002995/2010/ECPackaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations 200394/62/EC2004/102/ECPlant Health (Fees) (Forestry) Regulations 2006Plant Health (Forestry) (Amendment) Order 2006Plant Health (Forestry) (Wood Packaging Material Marking) Order 2006Incorporates the following:Amendment, November 2016. Amends and replaces BS 1133-8:2011

BS 1133-8:2011+A1:2016 History

BS 1133-8:2011+A1:2016

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