• BS 13/30264471 DC

BS 13/30264471 DC

BS ISO 21172-1. Gas cylinders. Welded steel pressure drums up to 3 000 litres capacity for the transport of gases. Design and construction. Part 1. Capacities up to 1 000 litres

BSI Group , 03/20/2013

Publisher: BS

File Format: PDF


Cross References:ISO 148ISO 1106-1ISO 2063ISO 3879ISO 4136:1989 ISO 4706:2008ISO 4978:1983ISO 5817:1992ISO 6892:1998ISO 7438:1985ISO 8501ISO 9328-1ISO 9328-2ISO 9328-3ISO 9328-4ISO 9328-5ISO 9606-1ISO 9934ISO 9956ISO 10920:1997ISO 11114-1:1997ISO 11114-2:2000ISO 11114-4:2005ISO 11116-1:1999ISO 13769:2002/AMD1:2003ISO 15613ISO 15614-1 ISO 17637ISO 17639ISO 17638ISO 21028-2ASTM A285/A285M:03(2007)ISO 1392ISO 3879ISO 9327prEN 13445-2 prEN 1714EN 462-3ISO 15611

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